This is my caption archive. I am going to post all my old captions, starting with the ones I did for my Lycos club and followed by the ones I did for my own (closed) Yahoo group and other places.

Because the quality of the captions (especially the very first ones) isn't very good (font-wise), I am going to put up updated versions of them. But I won't change any text.

Feel free to browse and have fun!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Created: 16.05.2002
Posted @: my Lycos club


  1. Awesome! So nice to see some of these old caps! Thanks for bringing them back!

    - -

  2. I didn't know you've been making these TG captions for over 20 years now. Come to think of it, I wonder who exactly made the very first TG captions on the Internet?
